Integrity of Research

Teacher: Andrea Saltelli

Content: The various dimensions of research integrity are organized in terms of norms, functions, and unity. Norms refer to how science conforms or deviates from normative standards. Functions relate to how science and research are endowed with a functioning, non-damaged mechanism. The third meaning pertains to the notion of science as an unbroken and undivided entity. The course also serves as an introduction to the historical, philosophical, and sociological elements of science, mostly from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), and has a section of science and lobbying.


  • Mertonian norms
  • Norms and counter norms
  • The crisis of science
  • Open science and predatory publishers
  • The review system
  • Science’s funding and the grant system
  • Science and lobbies
  • Dialogue among families of sciences