Autore: admin
Congress: Biannual East European Network for Philosophy of Science Conference
University of Belgrade, 10-12 June 2020. Co-organized with Borut Trpin (Munich) and Dusko Prelevic (Belgrade). Postponed to 2021.
Osimani Barbara: “Philosophy of Evidence: Dimensions of Evidence and Criteria for Standards Improvement”
Roundtable at the Evidence Live Event in Oxford (18-20 June 2018): With: Jeff Aronson – Oxford University, Oxford; Rani Anjum – Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU); Vincenzo Crupi – University of Turin; Ralph Edwards – UMC, Uppsala, Sweden; Bennett Holman – Yonsey University, Seoul; Marie Lindquist – UMC, Uppsala, Sweden; Elena Rocca – Norwegian…
Conference Series: “Bayes By the Sea: Formal Epistemology, Statistics, and Game Theory”
Second edition: 31-31 August 2019, Ancona, Marche Polytechnic University;First Edition: 13-14 September 2018, Ancona, Marche Polytechnic University.
Scientific Rationality & Strategic Interaction
Co-organized with Pierpaolo Battigalli; Milan, 8th November 2019, Bocconi University.
Modelling Scientific Ecosystems: Medicine and Pharmacology
14 January 2019, Ancona, Marche Polytechnic University.
Summer School Series: “Bayes By the Sea: Formal Epistemology, Statistics, and Game Theory”
” 25 September – 1 September 2019, Ancona, Marche Polytechnic University.The second edition of the Summer School will go online as Webinar Series.
“Statistical Reasoning and Scientific Error”
Joint 12th MuST & 3rd PSE Conference. Munich, 1-4 July 2019. Coorganized with: Mattia Andreoletti (Turin), Mark Colyvan (Sydney), Noah van Dongen (Turin), Paul Griffiths (Sydney), Stephan Hartmann (LMU Munich), Daniël Lakens (Eindhoven), Jan-Willem Romeijn (Groningen)., Felipe Romero (Groningen), Jan Sprenger (Turin).
Scientific Evidence in the Law: L’Evidenza nelle Scienze Statistiche, Biomediche e Forensi
8 June 2018, Ancona, Marche Polytechnic University.
Philosophy, Science, and Policy
“: cycle of seminars at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Faculty of Medicine – start: 15th May 2018.